Tuesday November 6th, 7:30pm
Attendees: Christian Montes, Nick McWilliams, Debbie Farrell, Joy Hope, Shelley Alexander,JJ Pearse, Lisa Klokenga; Staff: Erin Trampel, Lee Hartman, Bailee Young, ; Members: Chris Eckert, Adrienne Hixson, Sarah Howells, Joshua Davis
Called to order at 7:35 pm.
Committee Reports
Fundraising, Rameka
I want to briefly discuss who gets listed on the programs for the sponsor levels (what rule are we following, based on yearly donations?)
We are working on a holiday fundraising campaign that will launch on Giving Tuesday and run through the holidays. The concept is to create a short TikTok-style video that is a spoof on the ASPCA (sad) and an infomercial to advertise our Sponsor-A-Musician over the holidays.
This is a very rough draft of the sponsor levels with the general idea of the video components. We would create a flipcause site with cute photos and places to donate/pay for your level in conjunction with a video we would push out.
If Joy is willing, I will need her help to execute this.
I am really trying to come up with a suncatcher, prism, or ornament for the holiday concert merchandise. If I can’t pull this off, I’m going to work on socks.
Ian pulls the list from Flipcause, Rameka will talk to Ian about who should land where in the new program.
Marketing, Joy
Joy will reach out to KCUR to check on radio ads for Classical KC (since they are not answering emails).
Membership, Nick
Full report available upon request.
Horn section spotlight went out in October
Working on saxophone section spotlight for November
Next Book Club meeting Weds 04Dec2024 7p Plaza Library
Cookie Exchange rehearsal date?
Ian updated mailchimp tags for Season 22
Cookie Exchange will be Dec 5th.
Performance Opportunities, Steven
Are we moving forward with December 19th at Northgate?
Yes, moving forward with the 12/19 Northgate
Secretary, Steven
Nothing to report.
Joy’s proxy was Christian, it needs to be updated in the notes. After the update, the minutes will be approved.
Artistic Director, Lee
Fall concert went great and we had a robust crowd! Received a $4,000.00 grant from the Metzler Cophaken Initiative for use of the Folly in the spring
Time for dates for next season. I’m thinking we just be at the Gem for ease of use, we fit, and we sound the best there.
Potential Dates for Season 23
October 11, 12, 18, 19 - 18 or 19 preferred
December 13, 14
March 14 15 21 22 (14 or 15 preferred)
May 16 17
Close to $30K in grant money this year!
Assistant Artistic Director, Jessie
We are working on a small combo to send out on in the community (drum/bass/sax). Jessie will look into SAI grant to purchase some Real Books. We do want to discuss payment for players - if we will be receiving payment, we should compensate players for the time.
Board Chair, Christian
Still working on getting an accountant. Ian sent me a contact to follow up and I finally got a response from KCVAA. They are due at the end of November but if I don’t get someone lined up by next week we will file for an extension.
Treasurer, Lisa
Report available upon request.
Executive Director, Ian
Nothing to report.
Librarian, Jeanine
Nothing to report.
Webmaster, Erin
Website banner updated.
Old Business
Decide who will be responsible for contacting season ticket holders at the November board meeting.
Christian will take this on and connect with Ian.
New Business
Executive Session plus Staff - Requested by Lee
Holiday concert front of house decor.
I think we need to put together a committee to jazz up the place since we are going to be there for 2 days. Kelly and Cale are willing to design, etc., but we need people to help set/tear down.
Pride Bands Annual Meeting, this Saturday. Bailee will be responsible for organizing the decor group. Rameka will work with Jessie, Shelley, and Sarah to set up cookies and beverages for a small concert cookie reception.
Election Committee
Debbie will chair the election committee and Shelley will support her.
Debbie brought up a potential partnership with the KC Indian Center. She heard them speak at their church and had a lot of LGBT themes (2 spirit). Lee mentioned considering a Native American themed concert with the 250 anniversary. Debbie will stay in contact for future opportunities.
Meeting adjourned movement 8:17pm