Tuesday, August 6th, 7:30pm

Attendees: Joy Hope, Rameka Jennings, J.J. Pearse, Nick McWilliams, Debbie Farrell, Shelly Alexander, Lisa Klockenga, Christian Montes; Staff: Erin Trampel, Jeanine Asay, Ian Bradt, Jessie Davis, Lee Hartman

Acting Proxy: Rameka proxy for Steven, Joy will take notes

Called to order at 7:33 pm. 

Approve for minutes for June Minutes ‘24 + July Minutes ‘24

Debbie motioned to approve

Rameka seconded

Committee Reports 

Fundraising, Rameka

Thank you to everyone who supported rockstar bingo at Gaels!  We raised $534 ($254 from bingo players/$280 raffle ticket sales)!

Apologies in advance for not having website sponsorship stuff ready for Erin, yet.  I will make it a priority to get it finalized and over by the end of the month.

We will reconvene with fundraising committee meetings in September.

Marketing, Joy

Nothing to report at this time

Membership, Nick

  • Membership meeting held 29Jul2024 - MInutes linked here

  • Season Kickoff Cookout held 04Aug2024

  • ASK FOR BOARD - Review MAFB Participant Handbook by Wednesday Aug 7th so we can finalize and have ready to distribute for first or second rehearsal

  • First Rehearsal Reminders

    • Rose/Kat will be distributing name tags at entrance (name/instrument/pronouns if desired)

    • As discussed at the board retreat - plan on having section get together over break

  • Book Club meetup/kick off - Wednesday Aug 21st at 7pm - Plaza Library

  • Ideas for upcoming events

    • Rocky Horror Picture Show @ Screenland Armour (Sat Aug 17th)

    • First Fridays meet up

    • Kansas City Latin Jazz Orchestra @ SarKoPar Trails Park (Sun Sep 15th)

    • Plaza Art Fair meet up (Weekend of Sep 20th)

  • Section Spotlights to begin in September with double reeds

  • Section Leaders confirmation

  • Chamber ensemble and MMJO feedback - official response strategy

    • Self-led, does this align with MAFB’s mission? Front porch concerts (porchfest?)

  • Mailchimp - Confirmation of which Tag to use for new season members and timing 

Performance Opportunities, Steven

Ashton asked who to reach out to for performance opportunities

No reports to give


Secretary, Steven

No report given

Artistic Director, Lee

Very ready for rehearsals to start this week!  Thanks to everyone for their work in leading up to the season.

The Julia Perry Symphony arrived today and as anticipated it’s a mess so I’ll be cleaning it up before we read it. Gotta love rentals. 

let's work on getting the season postcard out soon.
Folly Metzler’s grant was announced as is ArtsKC which we’ll be applying for.  Received $21,750 from the Missouri Arts Council. This is lower than anticipated due to our high score but we’ll manage as this is the largest grant we’ve ever received.

We’ll owe the KC Public Library the remainder of our balance $1,595.00 before August 21 https://kclibrary.org/pay-fees.

Assistant Artistic Director, Jessie

SO very excited to kick things off this week! Thanks to the librarian team for getting things ready for us. 

Additional performances: 

Wednesday, September 18 7:07 pm Front Porch Concerts with Second Presbyterian Church  

Friday, September 27 6:00 pm Jazz in the Valley Fundraiser for MCC-Penn Valley 

Dance Band Books - as the group gets more and more requests for performances (2 upcoming this September), I’d like to spend some of the Duncan gift to purchase materials for a “Dance Band Book”. These will be 3 ring binders stored in the church of charts that either are in our repertoire regularly or can easily be pulled together in a rehearsal or two. A lot of this can be built using existing charts in our library, and can continue to be built out each season. Charts will include standards, funk/fusion, and pop so we have a wide variety of offerings. This “Dance Band Book” will also allow for easy subs should we have a player not able to attend a performance, as the music will be less difficult than the season music. 

REQUEST: I’d like to request the board approve $500 of the Duncan donation to be used for building the Dance Band Books. $250 for supplies, $250 for additional music purchases. 

if approved tonight, can I send you my Office Depot order and have you purchase with the band card for me to pick up in Merriam, KS?  

Jazz Fronts: Deciding between two styles, linked below for those who are curious. Waiting on estimates from both to move forward with a decision, although my preference would be the nicer looking embroidered ones. 



Do we have a high res version of the jazz logo with the Mighty Mo Jazz Orchestra name? Or just the trumpet image? I think all black with a white logo will look slick (and be easier to keep looking clean…). 

Board Chair, J.J.

Many millions of thank yous for an excellent Rockstar Bingo and pre-season cookout!

Ask for Board - Please review the below!

Show-Me Pride Ensembles Production Coordinator Job Description

Will get posting written up and sent out

Vice Chair, Christian

Did not hear back from KCVL&A. I will send another email tonight and see if I can call them on Friday. 

Lisa, JJ, lets get together and do the Mo business filing before the 23rd of August.

Treasurer, Lisa

Report available upon request.

Executive Director, Ian

Dues and participation agreement live

Staff contracts need rewritten, will get finished and sent out

Need to pay the church for this season

Librarian, Jeanine

Music scanning in progress.

Webmaster, Erin

Season participation/dues link updated on website

Nick asked about bari sax campaign on website

Old Business

No old business

New Business

Discussion Topic

Google Drive Access Management (Nick Mc.)

Dance Band Books - approval for $500 of the Duncan funds to build this

Would that be band property?

Where are they stored?

Check out sheet for folks to take home

Would like them to be stored in church

Put MAFB property labels on them

Joy motions

Nick seconded

Motion passes

Meeting adjourned at 8:26pm


Tuesday November 6th, 7:30pm


Wednesday, July 10th, 7:30pm