Thursday April 9, 2020, 7:00pm
Attendees: Erin Trampel, Christian Montes,Jeanine Asay, Nathan Brown, Rameka Jennings, Austin Rexroad, Alex Welch, Grace Diebolt; Staff: Lee Hartman, Jessie Riggins, Ian Bradt, Kelly Pangburn; Members: Leia Barrett, Christina Graber, Mary Burnett;
Acting Proxy: Erin Trampel for Ruth Robarge
Called to order at 7:05 pm.
Artistic Director, Lee
I’m cranky and I miss everyone. Rest of season 17 canceled. Recommend canceling all summer engagements as well. Season 18 has been announced. Call for Proposals announced. Got some good news that we can apply for up to 50k from the Kurt Weill Foundation. Seeking other big funding ops for timpani especially.
Nothing to add.
Board Chair, Christian
Worked on the budget. Tickets will be set up this weekend.
Nothing to add.
Vice Chair, Austin
No report submitted
Nothing to add.
Treasurer, Nathan
Financial documentation available upon request.
Nothing to add.
Secretary, Erin
Minutes submitted on Mar 25.
Minutes approved as distributed.
Business Operations, Ian
We should be clear on most contractual obligations from Season 17. We need to determine how to proceed with the guest artists from the May concert - only one of whom has actually executed their contract. What is the plan for that piece? Will we be doing it in Season 18? If this is the case, I can issue an amendment to the executed contract and reissue the contract that hasn't been executed.
Looking ahead into next year, Lee posted a contract and a number of LOAs that I need to review yet. I would prefer that, in any instance where money is changing hands, we use formal contracts which will better manage and mitigate risks versus LOAs. If work is being performed gratis, then I see no issues with an LOA but if we’re making a financial commitment, we should use a full contract with complete terms and must be countersigned by both sides. I can revise the draft LOAs to formal contracts.
On this note - is the Sleigh Ride project one piece written as a collaboration of several composers or several individual pieces? I know we’ve discussed, I just can’t remember.
The spring concert piece will be done in October. Contracts from this season will be amended as needed. LOA limit set to $100.00
Mighty Mo, Joe
It does not appear that we’ve paid the KC Fringe dues, and I agree with Lee that we should suspend summer band activities anyway. If we have paid our dues to KC Fringe for this summer’s festival, we can still request a full refund if done so in writing by April 15. If needed I will contact Cheryl Kimmi, the KC Fringe director, for a refund. I suspect the festival will be cancelled anyway—Cheryl previously communicated that if that happens, all fees will be refunded to all the artist groups who enrolled.
Nothing else to report.
We will be requesting a refund for Fringe.
Kelly, Social Director
Not much relevant to report in relation to social activities. All previous plans and ideas involved in-person gatherings. General plan is to wait-it-out until things return to normal. Always open to suggestions, however. My only idea to keep band members socializing with each other is through online gaming, such as what Alex has already suggested in the forum. For those with the hardware, that could include PlayStation, XBOX, and Nintendo platforms, but simpler is usually better and I had thought more along the lines of Apple and Android apps such as “Words with Friends” and other no-cost options. Also, I wholeheartedly support the making-music-with-friends compilations, but I defer all of that concept back to Lee for artistic programming and musicianship growth, adaptations and diversification. Perhaps we can do something that can be (legitimately) recorded and shared to our community as a way to further build our portfolio and demonstrate that we provided for, or supplemented, community enrichment during an extraordinary time utilizing tools and resources previously uncommon for our organization. (Would look good for grants, yes?)
This is a long-shot idea: Would there be a way for the band to host a virtual Trivia Night? Possibly even a fundraiser. Not something on a grand scheme like our planned trivia night fundraiser, but small and nominal, with the proceeds going into the band funds we use for care packages, flowers, cards, etc, when one of our own is unwell or suffering a recent trauma or loss. Cash flow may be a much larger-than-normal concern for our members and band friends, so donating to general fundraisers probably is not on their immediate to-do list, but giving a little to support our own peers is something many of us would likely agree to.
In regards to March meeting minutes (fundraising), I attended a fundraiser variety show for Choral Spectrum KC at Community Christian Church (Plaza, across from Cafe Trio) where they had alcohol available with a “suggested donation” amount posted and a money jar on the counter. The room that was used was large and versatile with an adjoining kitchen prep area. The space was on the ground floor, but the restrooms in use that evening were upstairs. I would assume there is at least one restroom on that level, but if not, accessibility may be an obstacle if elevator access is not available. Parking was available in the adjacent garage behind the church. I am unaware of the cost to use the room because the organizers of that event got the room rental donated. (I think it may have been mentioned that the room donation saved them $250 on their event budget, but I’ll have to inquire further if we are interested in that venue for fundraising events.)
Somewhat unrelated, did we ever adopt a Board Member and Staff handbook? (General expectations, rules of operation, descriptions of duties for each role, etc.) I did find the Board Member Covenant document, but the concept of what I’m referring to would be something more in-depth. I know it has been discussed and looked into over the years, but I can’t recall ever finalizing anything, and don’t see it on the shared drive either. If we do not have this style of document, I am willing to take up the project again. These would be unofficial, self-governing, guidelines and duties that the board and staff agree, among themselves, to follow for optimal performance. Something helpful also when introducing newly elected/appointed leadership to what their role may entail. Nothing formal that the membership has to vote on. (Also, not referring to job descriptions for hired staff, FYI.)
Suggestion: custom stickers for various uses to supplement color printing. We can have high-quality full color custom stickers (labels) printed for a more reasonable cost than color printing (home/office), bulk printed letterhead, (thank you) cards, etc. General idea could be 2x3.5 (business card size) with our logo and website or any other pertinent info. We could customize on an individual or as-needed basis by just placing our custom sticker on a card, envelope, folder, proposal cover, fundraising letter, and even to help identify band-owned items. 1000 custom high-quality color stickers is about $65+ shipping, 2000 for $96+ shipping ($0.05 each).
We may be able to do a digital trivia night with Jen or another virtual fundraiser.
Jeanine, Librarian
Nothing to report.
Lee needs to send Camelot back to Chatfield.
Webmaster, Erin
Website has been updated with the new season and COVID-19 information.
Nothing to add.
Committee Reports
Fundraising, Rameka
No report submitted
Working on virtual fundraising ideas. Virtual song grams, a live video. The fundraising committee will work on fundraising ideas.
Marketing, Grace
No report submitted
A few ideas: remote concerts, a remote band photo of everyone holding their instruments, a small social-distanced concert in a local park. Posting Lee’s group digital performance on social media. Group photo of everyone holding their instrument wearing a solid color so we can arrange it in rainbow order. Video answers to questions compiled together.
Membership, Alex
We’re looking at ideas for virtual member events. Redesigning badges and possibly looking into incorporating them into snack rotation and socials if possible.
Also looking into recognizing all members’ birthdays. Perhaps sending out cards? Monthly birthday cakes at rehearsal?
We are looking into making revisions to the Membership agreement
Alex is going to take over as Committee Chair, Austin will be co-chair.
Lee suggests an MAFB Bingo. He and the committee will get together to create one.
Bylaws, Christian
Next week I will send out the votings for the bylaws.
Nothing to add.
Old Business
No old business.
New Business
View budget spreadsheet here.
Alex moves to approve the 2020 - 20201 budget as shown above. Austin seconds. Motion passes.
Mighty Mo Succession
Skip has moved to Florida. Jessie has been chosen as the new Mighty Mo director. Lee suggests making Jessie Assistant Artistic Director with Mighty Mo being her primary responsibility. There will no longer be a Mighty Mo Director position in this case.
Fundraising amid COVID-19
We need to create a fundraising calendar. The general consensus nationwide is that corporation support will go down, foundation support will stay the same, and individual donations will go up for larger donors. Individuals can write off a total of $300 in donations on their taxes.
We are anticipating some membership dropoff, however many members have expressed missing the group.
We are in a relatively good place financially compared to other groups in the area.
Member of the Year/New Member of the Year
We have had nominations. Austin and Alex will help vet the new members for the vote. We will try to give the awards at the Fall concert. There could also be a social distancing video of someone ding-dong-ditching the award.
Lee will join the membership under his name and pay for it. There is no guarantee that we will be accepted, but we have a good chance.
Portland is canceled but the chair is looking at doing a virtual conference that will be free.