Tuesday March 9, 2021, 7:00 PM
Attendees: Rameka Jennings, Alex Welch, Austin Rexroad Christian Montes, Erin Trampel, Nathan Brown, Ruth Robarge, Grace Diebolt; Staff:Lee Hartman, Ian Bradt, Jeanine Asay; Members:
Called to order at 7:05 pm.
Secretary, Rameka
Nothing to report.
No corrections were made to the minutes. Minutes approved as distributed, to be posted to the website.
Artistic Director, Lee
Music is arriving for the May concert. Virtual rehearsals resume this week.
Missouri ArtSafe reached out and wants us to be certified this is a unspoken requirement for the On-Year MAC grant (Due March 29)
Proposed language (already approved by MAC)
A sponsor (HomeLight homelight.com) reached out to us. $350 for logo and link. More if we do more. Rameka - will you follow up?
HUGE HUGE HUGE thanks to Christian for the herculean lift of all these video edits and to all the musicians participating. We are seeing similar burnout across all groups but we are putting out material that is of very good quality..
First Non-binary composer this concert series!
All staff and board members need to watch a video for the Missouri ArtSafe certification. MAS reached out because they saw our COVID-19 plan and requested us to follow their guidelines and become certified. We can add to their points, but not take anything away. Lee is hoping to have the grant finalized by Monday. This includes a preliminary budget.
Rameka and Lee will tag-team the HomeLight sponsorship opportunity. Will confirm if HL has any sponsorship terms & conditions.
Printed scores are coming in the mail. In the meantime, we have plenty to work on.
Assistant Artistic Director, Jessie
No report submitted.
Not attending meeting.
Board Chair, Christian
I have had Rose Rodriguez show interest in joining our board. I will send out some notes I took of our conversation to the board. Please review .
How are all officers doing with coming up with a list of their responsibilities?
We need to have a Board Covenant meeting soon to finish hashing that document out.
Alex, could we work on sending out a survey to gauge interest in some sort of weekly meeting that isn’t rehearsal where we just sit down and chat? I know we have some games set up, but I think some of our members are missing that interaction and maybe we can come up with more solutions. Maybe a text chain for each section or something?
Church yearly rental has gone up to $1200 this year. I had Ian sign the contract. I think we still have to submit payment.
Got an email from Jennifer Gamble, no St. Patty’s Day Warm Up Parade this year.
I want us to be ready in case we can meet to at least rehearse later this year. Alex, I know you’re working on updating the membership agreement. We need to figure out if we can ask vaccination status and proof, and some sort of waiver form if someone declines to get vaccinated.
Christian will send out his notes from his conversation with Rose. He would like to add Rose to the board.
Alex will work on reaching out to the band regarding interest in weekly hang outs.
Christian submitted Missouri Tax documents and hopes to receive confirmation soon.
We need to include a COVID-19 Waiver in the new membership agreement. Lee proposed using the waiver as used by the Kauffman Center. Alex will tweak the document as necessary and add to the MAFB membership agreement.
Lee will look in to the building/space that was used in a Queer Eye KC episode (space was leased for $1) We are outgrowing our current space and this could be a great opportunity.
Treasurer, Nathan
Financial documentation available upon request.
May concert music has been ordered
$385 donations received from Feb 28th concert. Thank you all!!
$300 payment has been sent to Patricia Martinez for NoDivide & MAFB commission
-part 1 of 2, final payment to be sent next fiscal year
Nathan will send out payment for the church in the next day or two.
Business Operations, Ian
No report Submitted.
Need to update some profiles in Flip Cause after reviewing in Quick Books. Church contract signed. When we get the new membership agreement finalized, send to Ian so he can integrate into Flip Cause. Need to rename the document to reflect it is a participant agreement, not a membership agreement (as defined in our agreement).
Mighty Mo, Joe
No report submitted.
Not attending meeting.
Jeanine, Librarian
Nothing to report.
Nothing new to report, other than asking about music in Lee’s report.
Webmaster, Erin
I am working on updating the website to make sure everything is current, please if you have time glance through it and send me anything on the website that isn’t current. Lee, I’m pretty sure we have more premiers/commissions to add.
Need to go through the site and update. Tonight Erin went through and updated the board page. Please go through and review, especially if you have a stake in anything.
Erin will update the header to reflect our upcoming concerts.
Committee Reports
Fundraising, Rameka
Working on some ideas for a Spring fundraiser. Some considerations: Hybrid Bad Drag Night, Hamburger Mary’s Bingo, Virtual Drag Bingo, Virtual Trivia…. Open to ideas!
Will consider the option of doing some sort of outdoor event. We need to run-down the logistics and figure out how it would all work and report back to Christian.
Forming a subcommittee to explore what this would look like - Grace, Austin, Erin, Rameka. Austin will lead this effort with support from Grace and Rameka.
Virtual Bingo (maybe drag)
Marketing, Grace
Report given at meeting.
Thank you for everyone’s help in Saxy Valentine’s.
Lee is going to ClassicalKC 91.9FM to record bumpers for their pledge drives. Lee will inquire about possible sponsorship opportunities. If it is too expensive for MAFB, Lee will explore partnering with other Queer KC Performing ensembles to split the cost and exposure.
Membership, Alex
Setting things up for a virtual Dungeons and Dragons one shot for members that have expressed interest. Have looked into having a friend of mine run it as opposed to myself as his skill level is much higher than mine when it comes to DMing. Band Ambassador program is making progress. Charlie Grace has agreed to be an ambassador once we return to in person rehearsals. Post on the forum has not gotten any traction so the committee will discuss recruiting methods at our meeting next week.
Alex is working on more virtual activities. He is reaching out to a Dungeon Master friend that could potentially run the game for a fee.
James Arcano,Mike Ritzel and Lucas Testin (pending location) have volunteered to be ambassadors.
Lee suggested looking into a Jackbox type game as a virtual hang. Christian has a bunch of games and is willing to host them. (Going back to Christian’s report) It would be great to continue to touch base with people that are not necessarily participants in virtual activities.
Old Business
OKR Update
See metrics doc for updates.
April 2021 meeting (start of Q2), we will identify new initiatives to work on.
New Business
Approve Missouri ArtSafe Plan
All Staff and Board must view and affirm their viewing of Introductory Video to be completed by 3/14.
Motion to approve the Missouri ArtSafe Plan is approved without objection.
Should we be securing in person concert venues? With the caveat of cancellation/postponement. We will continue to carry our credit from the Gem Theater.
Ian rearranged the drive and wanted to make sure there are no questions in regards to location. A big Thank You to Ian for taking this on! At the top of the folder, there are 2 folders with guidance how to organize and where to put miscellaneous items to be filed. The goal is to not be creating new folders, but filing appropriately within the new organized structure.